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DISC On-line Assessment Tools

An Introduction to DISC

Any successful mentoring relationship can be compared to a good orchestra. Individuals who bear little resemblance to each other often need to learn how to harmonize and respect the differences they bring to the relationship. Their diversity in style and substance, when properly harmonized, compose a great score.

It is rather easy for a conductor to identify who plays what instrument. It is no less important for managers to know the behavioral and work styles of the individuals they manage and what and how they can best contribute to the organization. These attributes can be identified in a non-threatening environment that helps launch mentorees and mentors on a voyage of personal discovery.

For many years, successful organizations have relied upon a tool called DISC to identify behavioral styles. DISC describes the four basic elements of human behavior as: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. The basis for the assessment tool began as early as 400BC, when Hippocrates observed clear and consistent similarities and differences in the way people interact. We still rely upon observable behavior to better understand and enhance our relationships.

DISC is a universal language that explains behavior and emotions and is based on factors that transcend gender, race and culture. Its premise is that all people exhibit all four DISC styles to one degree or another, regardless of their background and experience.

DISC Defined
The key to DISC is discovering the degree of intensity a person brings to these four areas of behavior:

  • Dominance: How the individual approaches problems and challenges.
  • Influence: How the individual interacts and influences people.
  • Steadiness: How the individual responds to change and levels of activity.
  • Compliance: How the individual responds to rules and regulations.

The Dominance factor, for example, does not measure whether or not a person can solve problems, but rather measures how the person goes about solving problems and challenges.

Respecting Differences
Why do people act the way they do? Why do priorities differ from person to person? Why does it seem so hard to approach some people while others seem to mirror your own values, attitudes and interests?

Differences in work styles quickly become obvious in a work relationship. One individual may pay considerable attention to quality and detail while another "keeps their eye on the sparrow," meeting schedules, but requiring rework.

Fortunately, it is possible to observe and predict these types of differences and how they might "appear" on a team or workplace relationship. Just the awareness of different work and behavioral types in and of itself helps employees to adapt their styles to complement those of their teammates.

The Benefits
DISC helps employees and managers to:

  • Develop long-term relationships.
  • Communicate more effectively.
  • Establish goals that benefit individuals and organizations.
  • Establish realistic milestones for performance and skills enhancement.
  • Identify obstacles and problem areas that may be adversely affecting team effectiveness and progress.
  • Generate alternatives and action plans to overcome problems.

TTI Success Insights® Personalized Reports
Based on an individual's DISC responses, a personalized report known as TTI Success Insights® details:

  • Basic Characteristics
  • Work Characteristics
  • Value to the Team
  • Value to the Organization
  • Effective Communication
  • Don'ts on Communicating
  • Communication Tips
  • Team Effectiveness Factors
  • Perceptions
  • Descriptions
  • Action Plan
  • Style Insights Graphs
  • The Success Insights Wheel

Using the personalized TTI Success Insights® report, participants have the opportunity to immediately increase their knowledge of self and others. TTI Success Insights® clarifies individual work styles, how styles effect job performance and how the team can work together to build on strengths, overcome weaknesses and improve overall organizational effectiveness.

Complimentary DISC Assessment Form
Thank you for your interest in the DISC Assessment. This TTI Success Insights® tool will provide a confidential personalized DISC report that is both individualized and insightful.

Contact TTC for the password and then click here!

For a self-directed workbook to help understand your DISC report, click here!


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