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360 Multi-Rater: The Success Triangle©

An Introduction to The Success Triangle©
One of the things we all value in any interactive working situation is feedback. Good feedback is a gift. It can lessen stress, improve productivity and enhance your career. We all would benefit if we knew how our actions impact others, but for whatever reason, good feedback is hard to come by.

Traditionally, 95% of all feedback in the workplace comes from your supervisor. In today's environment, many supervisors feel "unqualified" to give valuable feedback because they are not close to the employee on a day-to-day basis. Ideally, feedback about performance should be received on an ongoing, continuous basis so you can monitor and correct your own actions. With the move toward self-directed teams, telecommuting and other workplace dynamics, the traditional supervisor may not be a reliable judge of an employee's performance.

Feedback provided through The Success Triangle gives a more reliable source for your performance data. The Success Triangle provides a comprehensive view of your actions from a circle of contacts that are, in many cases, closer to the action.

The key issues concerning feedback are to keep it objective and beneficial. Feedback provided through The Success Triangle is intended to be used for development only; it is a tool for increasing self-awareness. When participants know that feedback will not be used for appraisals, selections or promotions, a new and candid avenue for communication is opened for everyone involved. Information gained using The Success Triangle enhances confidence, is non-threatening and absolutely confidential.

The Success Triangle is based on the idea that more than one personal element is needed to be a well-rounded, successful individual.

The Success Triangle measures specific skills and competencies in three key areas:
  • Building relationships- demonstrating the ability to work effectively with others.
  • Expertise- mastering the specialized knowledge or skills that set you apart.
  • Navigating- taking the responsibility to understand the organization, its culture and values-and making the effort to fit in.
We can all think of someone we have associated with who had superior technical ability or outstanding work habits. Some of these people are referred to as being "brilliant" or "talented." But put them in a team environment and they are at a loss. They don't understand the political ramifications of their actions. Without "people skills" and political savvy, talented and energetic persons may find a rut in an organization instead of a niche. Often their attitude is: "I am what I am." They see no need to change or to develop the skills needed to fit in and rely strictly upon their technical skills to get by (rather than getting along).

The Benefits

The Success Triangle reports help employees:
  • Gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Improve dialogue between employees and managers.
  • Improve teamwork by raising awareness.
  • Enhance employee development.
The Success Triangle, 360 Multi-Rater Personalized Reports
Participants will receive a 360 multi-rater assessment designed to identify developmental needs in 15 skill clusters. Each Success Triangle set includes nine surveys. One survey is completed by the employee, one is completed by his or her immediate supervisor, and the remaining seven surveys are completed by a combination of the participant's superiors, peers and direct reports. The consultant will administer the assessment, track and collect the results for processing, and provide one-on-one confidential feedback sessions.
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