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What motivates you?

July 7, 2022

Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a Train-the-Trainer on the Workplace Motivator’s Model for both my internal facilitation team as well as my Mastermind Group.   I’m not sure if you have ever heard or participated in a "Mastermind Group,” but the best way to define it is a group mentoring process.  Several women entrepreneurs from around the country get together periodically and mentor each other on best practices, lessons learned and share various strategies to maintain harmony in the workplace and increase productivity.  We have been meeting for over six years and hold each other accountable for our business plans and goals, support each other professionally and pay devil’s advocate if we think one of us is going down the wrong path.

We even support each other personally.  For example, when I lost my mentor (Dr. Jan Northup) over two years ago, I was touched to the core as I received notes of compassion from various colleagues in my Mastermind Group.  They were also there to offer words of congratulations when I purchased my dream home (on a lake) that I had set as a goal several years ago. 

I thought it was a wonderful learning experience for my internal team (made up of my Vice President–Jennifer Sellers, my Training Manager–Trisha Milligan and my Co-facilitator/Trainer–Melissa Uzzo) to not only gain a credential around the Workplace Motivators assessment, but to also experience the power of a Mastermind Group.  It was an awesome and energizing experience!

The training was facilitated by Judy Suiter.  Judy is a walking encyclopedia about DISC and Workplace Motivators.  She is the co-author of The Universal Language DISCand the author of Exploring Values! Releasing the Power of Attitudes. She helped us understand the missing link — workplace motivators and the integration of it with DISC behaviors.

We met in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia which was a perfect environment for learning but also provided easy access to some wonderful restaurants and shopping in the evenings. 

My take aways…

The Workplace Motivator’s Model is a unique tool that goes beyond the DISC Behavioral assessment and gives managers and team members a unique perspective on what motivates each employee in the workplace and how and what stressors can breakdown a team.

Every individual has different passions and motivators. These are the actual values that drive a person to do and act the way they do.  Of course not everyone shares the same passions in life, but it is important to understand what drives others and self and how different individual workplace motivators will impact the team.

There are six motivators that make up an individual value system. As we all most likely have more than one — to varying degrees - there is usually one that stands out in front. 


Think about what you value and which of these could be considered you motivator(s):

·         Theoretical: How one values and approaches knowledge and information.

·         Utilitarian: How one values and approaches time and resources.

·         Aesthetic: How one values form, harmony and balance.

·         Social: How one values and approaches efforts to help people and causes.

·         Individualistic: How one values and approaches authority, power and control.

·         Traditional: How one values and approaches traditions and a system of living.

Consider each of these categories and how they may drive you in your work and relationships.  Then think about the others that surround you and what may be driving them. When we know what is important to those we spend our workday with, we are better equipped to respect and embrace what motivates them and can in turn make the workplace more harmonious and productive.  

How will I apply this new knowledge…

Armed with this deepened knowledge around workplace motivators, I hope to help the individuals I am mentoring understand the culture of the workplace and find work that appeals to their own value system.  

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