On June 1st during the Executive Women in Government’s
Mentoring Celebration, two of the program’s current mentors were honored for
their extraordinary commitment to mentoring. Program Champion Marilyn
Quagliotti (Major General, USA Retired) had the pleasure of awarding Katherine
Gugulis (Retired SES) and Beth M. McCormick (Defense, Technology Security
Administration) with the 2016 Mentor of the Year Award:
"It is my pleasure to nominate my Mentor,
Beth M. McCormick, for Mentor of the Year. She consistently made time for our mentoring relationship.
She served as an excellent teacher by walking me through OPM’s Guide to Senior
Executive Service Qualifications. She
explained how the process operated, resources that I should tap into, and
shared lessons learned. Her instructions demystified the process.” -- Nicole R. Pinkney, NASA HQ
"Applying to EWG Mentorship was the
smartest thing I ever did for my career, and my mentor was the best thing that
ever happened to me, in terms of career development. My mentor and I hit it off from the
beginning. My mentor went above and beyond of her commitment and gave me the
gift of her time any time I needed it.” -- Ozlem Barnard,
Attendees of the celebration were also treated to a key note address
given by Teresa Gerton, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Policy) for Veterans,
Education, and Training, U.S. Department of Labor. We congratulate all of these
women for paying it forward for the next generation of successful women
If you are a senior leader (GS-15, SES or political appointee) in
government today or a retired senior executive, we invite you to sign up as a
formal mentor. As a mentor, you will
have an opportunity to develop the next generation of women leaders across
government and leave your legacy!
To learn more about the program goals, roles and protégé selection
process copy and paste the following link into your web browser:
To apply to the Mentoring Program
signed up is as easy as 1-2-3:
Copy and paste the following link into your web
browser to sign up before September 9, 2016:
Complete a
short questionnaire expressing why you are interested in being a
mentor/protégé. The last question will ask for a biographical
Click I’m Done to learn about next steps.
If you
have trouble accessing the website from the link above:
Go to www.mentoringconnection.com
Click on the Not A Member Yet?button and enter the Group ID: EWG